The mission of the journal is to publish the results of the original research on philosophical, historical and cultural aspects of the development of modern society
The aim of the journal is to provide a new scientific perspective on historical, philosophical and cultural problems of society.
The editorial policy of the journal is to organize an open scientific debate in order to improve the quality of research, efficiency of expertise of scientific papers, identification of scientific potential for the implementation of advanced achievements of science.
The publication ethics of the journal is based on the requirement of the legislation of the Russian Federation with regard to copyright and the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors (Committee on Publication Ethics, 2011).
All articles are accepted without external reviews, obligatory examined by anti-plagiarism software, reviewed by experts in the relevant branches of science according to double-blind peer review. They pass through a two-tier proofreading, contain translated information about the author, titles, summary, keywords, notes, provide the bibliographical references in accordance with GOST (in Russian) and the Harvard system (translated into English).
It is included in the international electronic databases, such as UlrichsWeb, EBSCO.