Mamedov, A.A., Donskikh, K.Yu., Muradov, R. Mythological Thinking in an Archaic Society
Romaschko, N.V., Orlov, M.O. The Fear in the Context of Rene Girard’s Philosophical Reflection
Fedotova, M.G. Image as an Aspect of Institutionalization
Buzhor, E.S., Shevchenko, O.V. Dostoevsky’s Religious and Philosophical “Symbol of Faith” as Interpreted by Vyacheslav Ivanov
Grigoryev, S.L. Ethical Existentials of Modern Screen Culture (On the Example of the British TV Series “Black Mirror”)
Kuzemina, E.F., Pashkova, N.V. Utopia as a Form of Existential Isolation
Lobanova, Yu.V. The History of Philosophical Understanding and Study of Emotions
Makarchuk, I.Yu. Humanities and Their Transformation as an Element of the Cultural and Philosophical Model of a Literary and Artistic Work
Khvastunova, Yu.V. Post-secular Culture in the Light of Multiple Modernities Theory by S. Eisenstadt (Taking Account of Transhumanism Influence)
Budenis, O.G. Development Prospects of Bilingualism in Contemporary Belarusian Society
Demyashina, V.V. Digitalization and Digital Sovereignty: Toward the Problem of Protecting
the Russian State’s Political Subjectivity (Assessments, Positions, and Socio-Philosophical Reflections)
Makulina, E.Yu. Thematic Analysis of the Problems of Social Memory in Modern Social Philosophy: Storage and Transmission of the Meanings and Significance of Culture in the Information Society, “Smart Social Memory”
Kaigorodova, V.S. Genius Loci in the Everyday Aesthetics
Pomazkova, E.V. Value Orientations and Motivations of Russian Entrepreneurship
Blagoder, Yu.G., Chuprynnikov, S.A. Chinese Vector of Peter the Great’s Policy (Embassy of L.V. Izmailov)
Voskresenskaya, N.O., Yalozina, E.A. The Problem of Intergenerational Continuity of Spiritual Experience in Foreign Historiography
Zaitsev, A.A., Kapshuk, A.Yu. Structural Changes in the Activities of Student Construction Teams of the Soviet Union during the Period of Perestroika (1985–1990)
Mikulenok, A.A. The Problem of Discrimination Jewish Population in Lithuania in the End of 1930s (A Case Study of the Foreign Office Archive of the Russian Federation)
Rudykh, L.G. Cooperation of the USSR and New Zealand in the Field of Education in the Late 1940–1950s
Rybalkin, A.N. Russia’s Political Support for the State Power of the Syrian Arab Republic (2012–2018): Results and Conclusions
Fomenko, V.A. Transcaucasian Branches of the Great Silk Road and Historic Sites of the Region of Caucasian Mineralnye Vody
Chuev, S.V. Contradictory Plenipotentiary. V.N. Zubkov: Accents to the Portrait
Lazurevskaya, Yu.A. Stages of Formation of Civil Aviation on the Territory of the North Caucasus Krai
Timofeeva, Yu.A. Brazilian Foreign Policy under J. Bolsonaro: Paradigm Shift?
Wang Yue. Sinology at the Far Eastern Federal University: History of Study
Chi Yuchao. Harbin School of Law as a Сenter for Sino-Russian Legal Studiesin the First Half of the XX Сentury
Betilmerzaeva, M.M. Ethnic Identity as a Factor of Formation Civic Identity
Burova, Yu.V. Features of the Mordovian Heroic Epic on the Example of the Work “Siyazhar”
Tereshchenko, E.Yu. Western Murman: Features of the Formation of the Cultural Landscape in the II Half of XIX – Early XX Centuries
Levshina, O.N. Creative Clusters as Transformational Ways of the Urban Environment and a Tool for Enhancing the City’s Tourist Attractiveness (On the Example of St. Petersburg)
Soldatenkova, O.V. Expoculture as a Phenomenon of Modern Culture: The Content of the Concept
Wang Chunxue, Wang Yanan. National and State Identity of Sino-Russian Transboundary Orochon Ethnic Groups
Karabanov, A.A. The Phenomenon of “Subculture” in the Works of Foreign and Russian Researchers: Historiography of the Issue