Terms and Conditions of
1. Applications are accepted only for original, previously unpublished articles in Russian language, sent to the editorial board via the online application forman example of the correctly formatted article may be seen here.

2. The content of the article should correspond to the journals subject of Publishing House "HORS" LLC, included in the List of Peer-Reviewed Scientific Publications of The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, in which the main research results of PhD or D.Phil. theses should be published:

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Journal "Society: Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogy":
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Educational Sciences – 5.8.1, 5.8.2, 5.8.4, 5.8.5, 5.8.6, 5.8.7.

3. All articles submitted to the editorial board are checked for borrowing by the Antiplagiat.Expert software and are subjected to internal scientific review in accordance with the Publication Review Policy.

4. After approval for publication, the submission is sent for editorial revision (of Russian and English text). The final version of the article, designed according to GOST 7.0.7-2021 "Articles in Journals and Collections. Publishing design", is coordinated with the author before the issue of the journal.

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7. The editorial board renders services on publication of scientific articles on a reimbursable basis according to the price-list. The publication of scientific articles is funded on the basis of an invoice offered in the case of cooperation with an individual, a publication agreement concluded with a higher education institution or by means of a grant funds. The author's publication fee does not affect the editorial decision on the article.
Writing your paper

1. The article should be no less than: 10 pages from one author, 12 pages from two co-authors, 14 pages from three co-authors. The minimum required article volume does not include references in Russian and English. The publication fee is based on the entire volume of the article, including the lists of sources.
The article should include the following information:
· the UDC code;
· full name of the author (in both Russian and English);
· academic degree, academic title - (in both Russian and English);
· current professional status (if available). It is important to indicate the place of work and position clearly without any interpretations or abbreviations (in both Russian and English);
· Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) (if available);
· contact information (postal address to receive a copy of the journal, e-mail, phone number - for prompt communication with the author);
· the title of the article (in both Russian and English);
· abstract of 100-150 words briefly summarizing the aim of the work, the major findings and conclusions - (in both Russian and English);
· key words according to the content of the article (8-10 words or word combinations). Each keyword is separated from the other by a comma (semicolon if the list contains word combinations that already have a comma in their composition) - in both Russian and English;
· references (articles without references to the sources and literature used will not be accepted);
· information on the contribution of each co-author (if there are several authors);
· information on absence or presence of a conflict of interest and details of such conflict, if any;
information on funding (from grant funds, initiative work).

You can find guidelines for the structuring and formatting of your article here.

2. The text of the publication should be typed in Word, font - Times New Roman, font size - 14, line spacing - 1.5, paragraph indent - 1.25 cm, margins at the top, bottom, left, right - 2 cm, page numbering is continuous, starting from the first page. The font size for footnotes is 12.

3. Tables should be submitted in Word format. Tables in the text should be numbered and have headings placed above the table field and given in both Russian and English. The title should be placed above the table without a dot at the end. The table should be placed after the text in which it is mentioned for the first time or on the next page. Reference to the table in the text is mandatory - it should be placed before the table itself. The reference should be organically included in the text, and not stand out in an independent phrase repeating the thematic title of the table. The heading (Table 1) is placed on the left without a paragraph indent. Headings and subheadings of columns must be labeled. Font size for text in tables - 12, line spacing - 1, no paragraph indent.

4. The list of references should be provided by the authors. The bibliographic descriptions of documents cited, discussed or mentioned in the text of the article are linked to the specific text fragment by references. When referring to a work, the description of which is included in the reference list, in the text of the article after mentioning it (after the quotation from it) one should put in parentheses the name of the researcher, the year of publication of the material and pages, and in necessary cases - the volume (issue, part, etc.), for example: (Gavrov, 2002: 105). Several consecutive references are separated by ";", for example: (Gavrov, 2002: 105; Tilly, 2009: 78). The references are placed after the text of the article, preceded by the title "References", arranged in alphabetical order and not numbered.

5. References to archival materials, memoirs, regulations, data and articles obtained from the Internet, abstracts and dissertations, textbooks and manuals, dictionaries, encyclopedias should be made in the form of footnotes and are not included in the list of references (list of textual bibliographic references in English). When referring to data obtained from the Internet, the e-mail address of the primary source of information and the date of reference to it shall be indicated in parentheses, for example: URL: http://www.teoria-practica.ru (date of reference: 05.10.2022). When writing several footnotes to the same document in a row, the words "Ibid." are given in the repeated reference. (for documents in languages that use the Latin script). In repeated references to only one work of the author(s) in question, the main title and the following repetitive elements shall be omitted or replaced by "Op. cit” (for documents in languages using the Latin script). A page of the citation is indicated, e.g: “Ibid. С. 250.” or “Ivanov G.P. op. cit. p. 13”.

6. Information about cited sources is given in accordance with GOST 7.0.5–2008 “System of Standards on Information, Librarianship and Publishing. Bibliographic References. General requirements». Since 01.11.2021 the list of references is to be attached to the text of the article in the Latin alphabet, compiled according to Harvard style, adopted in foreign editions. The list of sources is formed in accordance with the English alphabet.

7. Each case of re-use of text (self-plagiarism) in a research article is reviewed individually by the editorial board to determine whether the textual repetition is appropriate. Great deal of attention is paid to which particular part of the article contains self-plagiarism. As a rule, a certain degree of self-plagiarism is allowed in the introduction of the paper, containing a description of the problem, in the description of the methods used; a small amount of self-plagiarism may be found in the presentation and discussion of the research results, if a link to the previous stage of the author's research is assumed. In such cases, self-citation should be transparent and the original source should be cited. Self-plagiarism is strictly unacceptable in the conclusions of an article. The use of previously published figures and tables is rarely permitted unless self-plagiarism is justified by the author with respect to these elements of the publication.
Cases of self-references, which are references to the author's previous work without citation, are allowed. The Editorial Board considers self-referencing as an important academic technique that allows the author to make reference to previously considered issues that are relevant to the new publication, without citing published works verbatim.
The text of articles may not contain extensive verbatim borrowings from already published dissertation research.
The work of the editorial board with the reuse of text is carried out in accordance with the provisions of “Text Recycling Guidelines. BioMed Central. The Open Access Publisher”; translation into Russian is presented in “Scientific Editor and Publisher. 2017. № 2 (2-4). С. 113–115”).

8. It is recommended to provide citations (1 or more references) of foreign authors – experts on the topic of research. The cited text is given in the language of the scientific work (in Russian), the reference description of the source is given in the language of the original. It is advisable to use articles from foreign journals.

9. It is recommended to refer to publications released within the last 5 years.

10. Citing non-scientific and popular-science sources (encyclopaedias, dictionaries, textbooks) as well as news feeds and blogs is not recommended, unless it is justified by the context of the research. If necessary, references can be kept in the text itself.

11. Authors should provide information about the financial support for the research.

Examples of references

Barber J., Harrison M. The Soviet home front, 1941–1945: Social and economic history of the USSR in World War II. L., 1991. 272 p.; Barth F. Ethnic groups and boundaries // Theories of ethnicity: classical reader / ed. by W. Sollors. N. Y., 1996. P. 294–323; Son Zh.G. Problems of transformation of the Korean language in the Russian Korean society // The contemporary relevance of document culture: knowledge, media, power / comp. H.H. Lee. Seul, 2015. P. 185–221.

Cassoux J. Encyclopaedia of symbolism. Painting, drawing and sculpture. Literature. Music / translated from French by N.V. Kislova, N.T. Paskharian. М., 1998. 428 с. Payman A. History of Russian symbolism / translated from English by V.V. Isakovich. М., 2000. 413 с.

Kagarlitsky B. The Crimean War and the World System // Kagarlitsky B. Empire of the periphery: Russia and the World System / trans. by R. Clarke. L. ; Ann Arbor, MI, 2008. P. 192–199. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctt18fs32g.13.

See: Neklyudova M.G. Tradition and innovation in Russian Art of the late XIX - early XX century. М., 1991. 395 с.; Sternin G.Y. Art life in Russia 1900-1910s, Moscow, 1988. 285 с.; Sternin G.Yu. Art life of Russia in the early XX century. М., 1976. 221 с.

GARF. Ф. 130. Opt. 6. Д. 305. Л. 32-35.

See: Vlasov V.G. Styles in Art: dictionary: in 3 vol. St. Petersburg, 1995; Culturology. The XX century: dictionary / ed. by S.Y. Levit. S.Y. Levit. St. Petersburg, 1997. 640 с.; Rudnev V.P. Dictionary of culture of the XX century. М., 1997. 384 с. The Cambridge history of Russian literature. Cambridge (Mass.), 1992. 709 p.; et al.

Cited from: Milyukov P.N. The Living Pushkin: Historical and Biographical Essay. М., 1997. 413 с.

Bagautdinov A.M. Ambivalence of Spirituality in the Information Society: Ph. ... doctoral candidate in philosophical sciences. Ufa, 2016. 321 с.

Soldatova G.U., Shaigerova L.A. Psychology of Intercultural Communication and Ethnocultural Heterogeneity of Society: Development Prospects from the Perspective of Domestic Humanitarian Science // Theoretical Problems of Ethnic and Cross-Cultural Psychology : Proceedings of the V International Scientific Conference. : in 2 vol. Т. 1 / edited by V.V. Gritsenko. Gritsenko. Smolensk, 2016. С. 42-45.

On Approval of the Strategy for Sustainable Development of Rural Areas of the Russian Federation for the Period up to 2030 [Electronic resource]: Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 2, 2015 № 151-r // Government of Russia. 2015 № 151-r // Government of Russia. URL: http://government.ru/docs/16757/ (date of access: 26.03.2019).

On Approval of the Action Plan (" Road Map ") for the Prevention of Suicides and Other Forms of Autoaggressive Behavior [Electronic resource]: Order of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan from March 13, 2018. № 184-р. Access from the Reference-Legal System "ConsultantPlus".

Zhuravlev A.L., Kupreichenko A.B.: 1) Socio-Psychological Space of Self-Determining Subject: Understanding, Characteristics, Types // Bulletin of Practical Psychology of Education. 2007. № 2 (11). С. 7-13; 2) Structure and Personal Determinants of Economic Self-Determination of the Subject // Psychological Journal. 2008. Т. 29, № 2. С. 5-15.

Sidorov K.R. Anxiety as a Psychological Phenomenon // Bulletin of Udmurt University. Ser.: Philosophy. Sociology. Psychology. Pedagogy. 2013. № 2. С. 42-52.

Ryazantsev S.V. Integration of Migrants in the Context of Russia's External Migration Policy // Sociological Studies. 2018. № 1 (405). С. 105–111. https://doi.org/10.7868/s0132162518010117.

Example of article design

UDC 000.00
Title of the article
First Name Second Name Last Name
State University, Moscow, Russia, 1234567@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0000
Abstract. The text of 100-150 words on the relevance and novelty of the topic, the main substantive aspects.
Keywords: 8-10 words or phrases on the selected topic.
Text of the article (Author's last name, year of publication: page). Text of the article (Author's last name, year of publication).
1. Name. Title of the work. М., 2000.
1. Errami, M. & Garner, H. (2008) A tale of two citations. Nature. 451 (7177), 397–399.
Information about the author - scientific titles, academic degrees; title with the name and address of the organization; other than ORCID, international identification numbers of the author; honorary titles, membership in organizations, etc. - in both Russian and English languages.
Contribution of the authors: a brief description of personal contribution to the writing of the article (idea, collection of material, processing of material, writing an article, scientific editing of the text, etc.).
Example –
Contribution of the authors:
S.S. Artemyeva – academic advising, research concept, methodology development, participation in curriculum development and implementation, source writing, final conclusions.
V.V. Mitrokhin – participation in curriculum development and implementation, follow-on revision of the text, final conclusions.
Information on the absence or presence of a conflict of interest and details of such conflict, if any.
Example –
Contribution of the authors: all authors contributed equally to the publication.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.