Theory and Practice of Social Development
Society: Politics, Economics, Law
Society: Philosophy, History, Culture
Society: Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogics
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Journal title
Theory and Practice of Social Development
Society: Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogics
Society: Politics, Economics, Law
Society: Philosophy, History, Culture
Scientific speciality according to Nomenclature
5.6.1. Отечественная история (исторические науки)
5.6.2. Всеобщая история (исторические науки
5.6.5. Историография, источниковедение методы исторического исследования (исторические науки
5.6.6. История науки и техники (исторические науки
5.6.7. История международных отношений и внешней политики (исторические науки
5.2.1. Экономическая теория (экономические науки)
08.00.05 Экономика и управление народным хозяйством по отраслям и сферам деятельности)(экономические науки)
5.2.4. Финансы (экономические науки)
08.00.12 Бухгалтерский учет, статистика (экономические науки)
08.00.13 Математические и инструментальные методы экономики (экономические науки)
5.2.5. Мировая экономика (экономические науки
5.7.1. Онтология и теория познания (философские науки)
5.7.2. История философии (философские науки)
5.7.3. Эстетика (философские науки)
5.7.4. Этика (философские науки)
5.7.5. Логика (философские науки)
5.7.6. Философия науки и техники (философские науки)
5.7.7. Социальная и политическая философия(философские науки)
5.7.8. Философская антропология, философия культуры (философские науки)
5.7.9. Философия религии и религиоведение(философские науки)
12.00.01 Теория и история права и государства; история учений о праве и государстве(юридические науки)
12.00.04 Финансовое право; налоговое право; бюджетное право (юридические науки)
12.00.08 Уголовное право и криминология;уголовноисполнительное право (юридические науки)
12.00.09 Уголовный процесс (юридические науки)
12.00.10 Международное право;Европейское право (юридические науки
12.00.11 Судебная деятельность, прокурорская деятельность правозащитная и правоохранительная деятельность (юридические науки)
12.00.12 Криминалистика; судебно-экспертная деятельность; оперативно-разыскная деятельность (юридические науки
12.00.14 Административное право; административный процесс(юридические науки)
5.8.1. Общая педагогика, история педагогики и образования (педагогические науки)
5.8.2. Теория и методика обученияи воспитания (по областям и уровням образования) (педагогические науки)
13.00.04 – Теория и методика физического воспитания, спортивной тренировки,оздоровительной и адаптивной физической культуры (педагогические науки)
5.8.7. Методология и технология профессионального образования(педагогические науки
5.3.1. Общая психология, психология личности, история психологии (психологические науки
5.3.2. Психофизиология (психологические науки
5.3.3. Психология труда, инженерная психология,когнитивная эргономика(психологические науки
19.00.05 Социальная психология (психологические науки
5.3.4. Педагогическая психология психодиагностика цифровых образовательных сред (психологические науки)
5.3.8. Коррекционная психология и дефектология (психологические науки)
19.00.13 Психология развития, акмеология (психологические науки)
5.4.1. Теория, методология и история социологии (социологические науки)
22.00.03 Экономическая социология и демография (социологические науки)
5.4.4. Социальная структура, социальные институты и процессы (социологические науки)
5.4.5. Политическая социология (социологические науки)
5.4.6. Социология культуры (социологические науки)
5.4.7. Социология управления (социологические науки)
23.00.01 Теория и философия политики, история и методология политической науки(политические науки)
5.5.2. Политические институты, процессы, технологии (политические науки)
23.00.03 Политическая культура и идеологии(политические науки)
5.5.4. Международные отношения (политические науки)
23.00.05 Политическая регионалистика. Этнополитика(политические науки)
23.00.06 Конфликтология (политические науки)
24.00.01 Теория и история культуры(культурология)
24.00.01 Теория и история культуры(философские науки)
5.10.2. Музееведение, консервация и реставрация историко-культурных объектов (культурология)
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Theory and Practice of Social Development
Society: Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogics
Society: Politics, Economics, Law
Society: Philosophy, History, Culture
Journal: Society: Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogics
Issue 12 (2022)
Date of release: 28.12.2022
Society: Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogics Issue 12
Zhegusov, Yu.I., Maximov, T.Chr. Prospects for Climate Migration in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Lichak, N.A., Sokolov, A.V. Urban Space as a Territory for the Existence of Street Art
Maklashova, E.G. The Population’s Perception of the Northern Region as an Important Element Managing Its Development and Increasing the Attractiveness of the Territory
Romanova, E.V., Nikulkina, I.V. Narrative Approach in Assessing Well-Being Level of the Population in the Arctic Zone of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Abramova, N.V. Professional Self-Determination of Schoolchildren: Sociological Approach
Bashkueva, E.Yu. Problems and Prospects for the Psychiatric Service in the Republic of Buryatia (Based on an Expert Focus Group Study)
Gundar, E.S. Perceptions of Student Youth in the North Caucasus about the Cultural and Historical Heritage of the Soviet Past
Dankovtsev, O.A. Internet as a Risk Factor for the Occurrence of Feeding Behavior in Adolescent Girls
Dmitrieva, Yu.N. Socio-Economic Features of Labor Potential in Siberian Regions
Zabelina, N.V. Hospital-Replacing Technologies in the System of Social Services for Citizens Suffering from Mental Illness
Kondakova, N.S. Features of the Migration Process in Modern Society
Larina, T.I. Psychocults as a Type of Sect
Melnikov, M.V., Potaturkina, Ye.-O.I. Local Identity in the Context of Housing Deprivation (The Case of Emergency Houses in Novosibirsk’s Akademgorodok)
Sidorova, N.V., Yakubova, A.A. Professional Motivation of Student Youth: Empirical Research Experience
Du Xiao Tong. Economic and Sociological Research of Stock Markets in China and Russia: Theoretical and Methodological Foundations
Yitong Ran. Gender Stereotypes of Modern Society in the Economy of Russia and China
Bashkatov, S.A., Shakhov, A.A., Prudnikov, V.B. Personality Traits of Students Prone to Making Errors Due to Irrational Attitudes and Cognitive Distortions
Klimova, M.O., Tsiring, D.A. Personal and Psychological Characteristics of Cancer Patients: Their Dynamics and Impact on the Course of the Disease and Survival
Kozub, M.V., Ovchinnikova, A.Zh. Formation of Bachelors’ Health-Saving Skills Using Information Technologies
Maksimenko, A.A., Deyneka, O.S., Mortikova, I.A. Infodemic Doomscrolling and the Psychological Well-Being of Russians
Panyukova, Yu.G., Panina, E.N., Panyukov, A.I., Makovets, L.A. Differential-Psychological Factors of Student Competence in Subject-Medium Interactions: Towards a Problem Statement
Suleymanov, R.F. The Relationship of Auditory Sensitivity with Intelligence and Personal Qualities
Suchkova, E.L. Subjective Perception of Time by Convicts during the Period of Serving Deprivation of Liberty
Shinkevich, V.E. Problems of Traditional and Innovative in the Digitalization of the Educational Environment
Voytik, I.M. Life-Purpose Orientations of Older Adolescents: Peculiarities of Manifestation, Age-Sex Differences
Kablukova, K.M., Lupenko, N.N. Relationship between Parenting Styles and Types of Agressive Behavior in Adolescents: Towards the Problem Statement
Leontev, M.G. Students’ Evaluation and Attitudes towards Online Classes at a Technical University
Lombina, T.N., Yurchenko, O.V. Imagination as a Way to Creative Thinking: A Comparative Analysis of the Characteristics of Primary School Children
Nikolaeva, S.V. Social Perceptions of Yakuts (Sakha) on the Correlation between Speech and Silence in Communication
Pyatkina, E.S., Grinina, E.S., Rudzinskaya, T.F., Shipova, L.V. The Main Trends in the Response of Bailiffs and Executors of Justice under Stressful Situations
Byrkanov, A.V. Towards Stating the Issue of Studying Ideas about Information and Psychological Security of Personality
Krasnoshchekova, G.A. Teaching Master’s Degree Students Academic Writing on the Basis of Variable Programs
Maskalyanova, S.A., Eliseev, V.K., Tafintseva, L.M. Parents as a Full-Fledged Party of Psychological and Pedagogical Support for School Failure of Students at Risk
Mezentsev, S.D. Challenges in Checking and Monitoring Philosophy Knowledge by Testing Non-Philosophy Students
Abdulayeva, M.A. Challenges of Preparing a Future Physical Education Teacher in the Process of Pedagogical Practice (On the Example of the Physical Education and Life Safety Department at DSPU)
Abramova, V.Yu., Popov, N.I. Continuity of Training Forms in the Preparation of Bachelors and Masters of Education in the Field of Life Safety
Alekseeva, I.S. Online Course as a Form of Online Education at a University
Atlasova, S.S. On Mentoring in Higher Education
Vasilchenko, T.A., Sultanova, I.V., Feopentova, S.V. Usage of Non-Verbal Means of Communication in Creating of E-Learning Resources for Students in Economics
Gabysheva, L.K., Frolov, Yu.N. On the Institutionalization of Online Education in the Digital Transformation
Gusevskaya, N.Yu. Promotion of Russian Master’s Degree Programs in the World Educational Market under Current Conditions
Distenfeld, E.V., Paletskaya, T.V. Study of Attitudes towards Patriotism as an Aspect of Civic Education of Students in the Direction of “Pedagogical Education”
Ermyakina, N.A. Linguodidactic Potential of the Project Method in Developing Lexical Competence of Students at a Non-Linguistic Higher Education Institution
Karpovich, I.A., Voronova, L.S., Ivanova, T.N., Krepkaia, T.N. Peculiarities of the Use of Monological Statements in the Process of Teaching Professionally-Oriented English to Students of Advertising and Public Relations
Lapekina, Iu.Iu. Universal Competence Assessment in English Language Communication for Law Students
Nechay, E.E., Sinenko, A.A. Student-Faculty Communication in Virtual Space: Priority Issues
Nikiforova, T.I. Distributed Education Model: Opportunities and Prospects
Pashina, A.V., Chalyh, N.A. The Development of Innovative Thinking in Technical Foreign Language Classes within the Framework of Personalized Learning Pathways
Sinelnikova, G.A. American Textbook of World History of the Medieval Period as a Means of Forming Value Orientations
Soprunenko, I.V., Goferberg, A.V. Methodological Recommendations for Project Activities for 7th Grade Students during Technology Classes in the Production of Kinetic Wave
Cheremina, V.B., Skakunova, V.A. Interactive Tools for Self-Examination of Lexical Material in Teaching Foreign Languages
Shirokikh, A.Yu. Writing Skills Training: Comparative Analysis of Linguodidactic Approaches
Akoeva, K.P. Linguistic Foundations for Teaching Introductory Constructions of the Russian Language
Augustova, J.V. Vector Model of Practice-Oriented Learning in the Training of Future Lawyers in the System of Secondary Vocational Education
Malgarov, I.I. Information Culture and Safety of Schoolchildren in the Digital Environment
Fedorova, O.B. Features of Forming Environmental Legal Awareness of Deviant Adolescents